Current Projects
Project Harmony offers relationship education to couples as well as essential skills to promote success in the workplace while learning more about personal strengths.
Using the Prevention Relationship Enhancement Program – PREP, our program will help individuals and couples learn effective communication strategies, gain tools to cope with stressful situations, learn to listen and be heard and improve conflict management skills to positively impact relationships and careers. Participants will also engage in our Career Pathways Program that includes workshops to improve knowledge and skills in financial literacy and to enhance employability skills.
Project Harmony also utilizes Our Relationship Intervention (ORI) which is a scientifically-based and empirically tested online method of teaching relationship education. ORI was developed to serve as an online tool to help couples solve a specific relationship problem they selected, therefore allowing for individual tailoring based on needs. ORI also adds a personalized approach by offering coaching calls to help guide you through the program.
Funding for this project was provided by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant: # 90ZB0009-01-00. These services are available to all eligible persons, regardless of race, gender, age, disability, or religion.
Project Harmony is classified as a research study at the University of Central Florida, UCF IRB STUDY00002385. This study is under the direction of Dr. Sejal Barden, Principal Investigator and Dr. Dalena Dillman Taylor, Co-Principal Investigator.
Money Matters workshop – This workshop focuses on financial management and literacy, increasing knowledge and practical skills on how to manage money by preparing a personal/family spending plan, and identifying ways to decrease spending and increase income.
Career Skills & Personal Branding workshop – This workshop focuses on practical career search techniques as well as ways to secure a new job. In addition, participants will gain a deeper understanding of how to market their career skills and make their best impression in the workplace.
We also aim to improve access to community social services, career related services, and others. Participants are randomly assigned to different formats of the program; either online or in-person.
Proyecto Harmony en Español.

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