Past Projects
Externally Funded Projects
$9,627,620 2015- 2020 |
Project Harmony Dr. Sejal Barden, PI, Dr. Dalena Dillman Taylor, Co-PI, Dr. Mark Young, Co-PI |
Funded by the U.S. DHHS, Office of Family Assistance (HHS-2015-ACF-OFA-FM-0985) |
$39,861 2015-2016 |
Development and Validation of the Educator Inspire Scale Lambie, G. W., Principal Investigator & Barden, S. M., Co-Principal Investigator | Funded by the Denny Sanford Foundation |
$6,553,524 2011- 2014 |
Project T.O.G.E.T.H.E.R.- To Offer Great Education that Harvests Relationships | Funded by the U.S. DHHS, Office of Family Assistance |
$3,574,583 2007-2011 |
Supporting Healthy Marriages (SHM) Together Project MDRC- Supporting Healthy Marriages National Demonstration Project | Funded through MDRC/ U.S. DHHS, Administration for Children and Families |
$119,401 2007-2009 |
PAIRS Evaluation Project | Funded by The PAIRS Foundation, Inc. |
$75,000 2007 |
MDRC Implementation Plan for Supporting Healthy Marriages Project | Funded through the MDRC/U.S. DHHS, Administration for Children and Families |
$1,619,652 2006-2011 |
The Together Project- Level II | Funded by the Office of Financial Assistance of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
$544,698 2003-2006 |
Stronger Marriages and Stronger Families | Funded through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Children’s Bureau and the Florida Department of Children and Families |

Internally Funded Projects
$7,500 2013-2014 |
Understanding the influence of breast cancer on Latina couples: An exploratory qualitative grounded theory research design Barden, S. M., Principal Investigator |
Funded by the University of Central Florida, Office of Research and Commercialization |
$7,469 | Continuing the exploration of the Impact of Adlerian Play Therapy (AdPT) on Children, ages 6-9 years with Emotional Disturbances | Funded by the University of Central Florida, Office of Research and Commercialization |
Contact Information:
Telephone: 407.823.1748 | Fax: 407.823.1749 | Email:
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