Become a Partner
The Marriage and Family Research Institute engages in partnerships with a various service-oriented organizations, businesses, and individuals. Like us, our partners realize the importance of sharing resources, and investing in the wellness of local residents. Together, we are making our community stronger – by making individuals, couples, and families stronger. We offer several levels of partnerships. Based on your level of interest, each level offers different perks to show our appreciation of your commitment to furthering the mission of the MFRI.
Gold Level
At this level, a formal MOU or agreement is required. Partners at this level demonstrate a higher investment in the mission of the MFRI and play an integral role in service delivery with our participants. Partners at this level may offer an annual training to staff or be involved in leading a Community Connection series with the MFRI staff to share updates on their services with our team. In addition, partners offer active recruitment opportunities and send regular participant referrals for current projects.
Gold Level partners will have their logo and web link featured on our ‘Partners’ website page as well as regular sharing of their community events and other information (as appropriate) on our social media platforms. Agency contact information will be added to our participant resource booklet/handout. Family Case Managers distribute this handout to each participant at the Orientation session. Gold Level partners will also receive the ‘MFRI PH Gold Level Partner Award’, annually for their commitment and support.
Silver Level
At this level, no formal agreement is required. However, at this level, partners allow our staff to attend events and offer active recruitment opportunities (i.e. space for tabling or presentations to their staff). Partners may participant in a Community Connection series at the MFRI to share updates on their services with our team and or send participant referrals.
Silver Level partners will have their upcoming events shared on our website and/or Facebook page. Agency contact information will be added to our participant resource booklet/handout. Family Case Managers distribute this handout to each participant at the Orientation session. Silver Level partners will also receive the ‘MFRI PH Silver Level Partner Certificate’ annually for their commitment and support.
Bronze Level
At this level, no formal agreement is required. Partners provide materials from their agency to distribute to our participants and vice versa. Partners provide passive recruitment opportunities and may choose to participate in a Community Connection series at the MFRI to share updates on their services with our team.
Bronze Level partners will have their agency contact information added to our participant resource booklet/handout. Family Case Managers distribute this handout to each participant at the Orientation session.

Contact Information:
Telephone: 407.823.1748 | Fax: 407.823.1749 | Email:
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